Source: via Molly
It's a crisp morning in Chicago so I sneak out and start the day with a run. I run not because I have to and not because I'm training for anything in particular. I run because I love it. Running is a regular and cherished part of my day.
As I take off down Michigan Avenue I think back to last night's party. After twenty-five years of marriage, we finally threw another dream wedding. It took months of planning but the evening was a success. All of our friends and family were together feeling happy and healthy. It was the best wedding gift. Renewing my vows to the man I continue to love, respect and cherish is a memory I will not soon forget.
I arrive back to our condo to find the hubby is awake and he offers me a cup of coffee. We laugh about the night before and feast on left over wedding cake from the The Cakery. An indulgent breakfast is a perfectly decadent way to begin our second twenty five years together.
Source: via Molly
Once we clean up, we lock our place up tight and jump on the blue line headed for O'Hare. We have a long day ahead of us but my carry-on is stuffed with good music, a September issue or two and plenty of our favorite snacks to keep us entertained during our flights to Rotterdam.
Today we fly to Europe to begin our second honeymoon. After years of planning we are finally taking the Passage to Asia cruise we have always dreamed of. For the next 37 days we will explore the world while we celebrate the life we have created and share together.
Source: via Molly
As we ride the train, I find myself feeling a wonderful mix of emotions. I am blessed to be sitting next to the man I love. I feel relieved and content that our party was such a success. I know how fortunate I am that we got to see and spend time with the people closest to us before leaving. And I am full of anticipation and excitement about the adventure we are about to experience.
Imagining an Ideal Day is something that I've never tried before. But as I allowed my mind to wander and weave together elements that had to be included, I began to see what all of Jason Womack's fuss is about.
One of the many fantastic things about my job is that I'm being introduced to books and authors that I might not have discovered on my own. I recently finished Womack's book Your Best just Got Better: Work Smarter, Think Bigger, Make More. At first glance it doesn't seem like this book and I would be a match. But I was surprised to discover that we are.
Be careful when you read it, Mr. Womack is an inspirational guy. You might find yourself running a 5K or imagining Ideal Days. Consider yourself warned!
What would be an essential element of your Ideal Day?