On Saturday, I ran my very first 5K.

Last monthish Heather of Smart Savvy Style fame invited a few bloggers and other friends to participate in the Traffick Free 5K.

Traffick Free is such a great organization working for such an important cause, so I figured this was the perfect chance to cross a little something-something off my day zero list.
I laced up my running shoes and got to training.

Unfortunately this picture is not an accurate portrayal of how I felt while running the 5K.
For most of it, I was pretty uncomfortable. Actually, I was borderline miserable.
It was hot, humid, too sunny for this pasty-white girl, and there was a severe shortage of water. It hurt.

That is why I am so incredibly thankful for this girl.
She was an inspiration from the beginning until the end. She fought to keep me positive, cheered me on, and ran at my pace even though she's way further along in her training than I am.
I seriously believe that without Angie, I never would have crossed that finish line.
Before that day, Angie and I were co-workers building a friendship. Saturday was the first day we were ever in the same room together for crying out loud. For her to support me the way she did is an incredible testament to her character and her heart.
I am totally fortunate to have found such a wonderful new friend. Thank you, Angie. You are totally my favorite.