
Memory Lane - Graduation Edition

With all the high school and college graduations going on, I've gotten a bit nostalgic. Digging through old pictures is one of my FAVORITE treats, and this seemed like a perfect excuse to do just that.

Let's take a walk down memory lane...

Yes, that is my high school graduation shot. Good thing I have these pictures to prove I was there, because there isn't much of the evening that I remember. I graduated from Parkway South High School in 1994. That's right. 15! years! ago! Judging from the pudgy cheeks and humidity affected hair, I definitely would say I've gotten better with age. I'm there with my Pops, Mom and the BF at that time. I include him because in those days he was my world, and quite frankly, a high school graduation picture without him just wouldn't be complete.

I had to throw this shot in, just because it's one of many big hug shots of me and my Grandpa Paul. Without a doubt one of my all time favorite photos.

Six years and many, many packages of ramen noodles later came college graduation. Go ahead, get it out of your system... Yes, it took me 6 years to graduate from college. I did take some time off, but I also messed around a lot. You know, changing majors and whatnot. Once again, Mom, Dad and my grandparents were on hand to watch me collect my diploma.

That was 9 years (and 10 jobs) ago! I graduated with a BA in Interdisciplinary Studies with emphasis in Psychology, Sociology and English Literature. Those last 2 sentences really make me sound like an employer's dream don't they?? What I find entertaining is that today I'm not any more certain what I want to be when I grow up than I was then... On the bright side, my attitude has changed. Back then I felt pressure, like I needed to figure it out. Now, though, I'm more comfortable just waiting to see where life takes me.


Leash Landmine

DISCLAIMER for those of you that are new to a foreign land or just dropping by for visit: this is not a mommy blog. However, for the next couple of inches I plan to delve a bit into an opinion I have about parenting. If the thought of a non-Mommy sharing an opinion on parenting irks you, please stop reading now.

I started a war. Not looking where I was going, I backed into a landmine and ignited a cultural war. It was a war of the Mommies. Not being a mommy, I hadn’t been debriefed or recruited. But the words of my status fired the shot heard ‘round Facebook. I am now aware that lines have been drawn between the leashers and the leashless. It all started on Saturday at Aquarium. As it was a holiday weekend, the place was a madhouse. In the crowd, I witnessed something that made my stomach turn. Walking through the jellyfish exhibit was a very adorable, seemingly 2 year old boy on a leash being held by his master mother. {CRINGE} I couldn’t just let this atrocity stand, so I took to the Internet and screamed, “You know what is sooo much worse than kids running around crazy in public places? Seeing a child on a leash!”

Little did I know that a simple opinionated observation would get people so up in arms? Several mommies voiced their support of the restraining devices. Several ladies agreed with me that leashes for people are a little creepy (or simply silly at worst). The conversation got so heated, one of the women who sided with me ended up removing her comment! (Perhaps in fear for her life)

Just to explain, here’s why I think leashes are inappropriate. First, they propagate the cultural belief that children are possessions to be kept and controlled rather than cherished and reared. Children are not accessories. Children are not pets. Parents do not own children like they own a Chanel bag or a Maltese. A cord tied around something or someone implies ownership to me not parental devotion. Second, while a leash may control a child’s behavior today, it does little to change the behavior long term. A child on a leash is still free to run around like a crazy beast until he hits the end of the rope. Why not teach your child that in a crowded public place there is an expectation to stay close to mommy? And if he can’t do that, then maybe he doesn’t get to enjoy the privilege of being at the Aquarium?

Many of the Mommies explained that their leashes were to protect their child. Wouldn’t it be more protective to explain that the world can be dangerous and it is important to allow Mommy to care for you by sticking close by her? Just seems to me, focusing on why certain behavior is expected would go a lot further than simply blindly enforcing the behavior with a 2 foot cord.

No, I’m not a Mommy. Yes, I realize what I’m saying may sound naïve or too difficult to do after a long day of being thrown up on and cried at. But, um, as far as I can tell, parenting well is the hardest job on earth. Nobody told you leashers this job was going to be easy! Parenting is tough, why do you think it scares the hell out of me?? And, for the record, I recognize if I ever become a Mommy, I may eat my words. And I’m okay with that.

I guess what I’ve learned from this whole incident is this: watch out for the Mommy brigade, they are vocal and passionate about their parenting styles. (I don’t see how those Mommy bloggers take the comments and feedback. It nearly broke me!!) But most importantly, I’ve learned that they don’t take well to a non-Mommy with critical opinions. Well, maybe judging by this post I haven’t learned that lesson too well…

And, by the way, I don’t care how “cute” the leash is (this was another justification), it’s still a leash.


Memorial Day 2009

I guess I’ve always kind of taken for granted the sacrifices made by the men and women who've fought and died for our country. Before marrying the handsome hubby, Memorial Day was not much more than the third day of a long weekend. He has helped me to understand the importance of the holiday, and has encouraged me to recognize and appreciate all that we enjoy as a result of the sacrifices of others. Today we took a walk through the national cemetery not far from our house. It is pretty staggering to see all the grave sites. And I love that they recognize the veterans with flags at each stone. The cemetery is really beautiful. Is that morbid?

In case you think it is... I’m changing the subject slightly. Brian comes from a long line of men who served in the armed forces. Two grandfathers and his father were all military men. He followed in the family tradition and served seven years as a Marine. Pretty impressive. There’s no way I could have survived boot camp! Plus, check out how hot he looked in his uniform.

While looking for this picture, I found his boot camp graduation shot from 1994. It got me thinking about what I was doing in 1994. {blush} I briefly considered posting his boot camp picture next to one of my high school party pics. But I changed my mind with a quickness. I decided that not only would it be disrespectful, it would probably prevent me from ever running for public office...

Anyhooo, in a life where I focus on starlets and rock stars regularly, it’s days like today that I recognize individuals who actually are heroes. I was totally inspired by Roy foster's story.

Check out this video about his REAL LIFE heroics.

Thank you to my husband and to all the amazing men and women who serve our country both at home and abroad. It is an amazing privilege to live in the United States.



today we were tourists in our own town. with brian's mom in town we ventured downtown to the hunter museum (our art museum) and the aquarium to enjoy a combined exhibition of jellyfish and chihuly art. we weren't allowed to photograph any of the chilhuly stuff, but check out the jellyfish. they were absolutely beautiful!


5 for Friday

5 movies released the year i was born:
1. all the president's men:
2. carrie: 3. rocky:4. the song remains the same:
5. taxi driver:


Another Small Difference

here is a picture of a difference between my handsome husband and
myself. i really feel like it is indicative of the way we live our

we went to this GREAT hot dog place for lunch called "good dog". in
addition to yummy dogs they also serve "frites" (which is just the
frenchy way of saying fries). they have a whole condiment wall full of
different dipping sauces to choose from- like 20+ different ones.
seriously, lots of variety and plenty of ways to try new things and
live lunch in the edge.

i chose wasabi ketchup and "fritesaus" (which is a mayo based sauce
common over seas). brian got ketchup.
you catching my drift?


Thankful Thursday/ episode 20

i pride myself on my sense of direction. generally speaking, when in a car i can get my barrings relatively well and figure out where i need to go. i don't typically rely on maps, i'm more of a trial and error type of girl. and i rarely get lost. behind the wheel i'm fearless and confident. and like i said, it is something in which i take pride.

i am also a pretty stubborn woman. when i think i'm right, i'll dig my heels in and fight you to the death. and i admit that i don't always fight clean - i'll use verbal intimidation, sarcasm, insults... whatever it takes to make you reconsider your viewpoint (maybe even reconsider your right to have a viewpoint) and realize how correct i actually am. but notice i said earlier, "when i think i'm right" - because that is pretty much all the time. whether or not i'm actually right doesn't typically matter. if i think i'm right, i AM right, and i'll fight ya. don't confuse me with the facts, just get on board the molly train.

all this makes me sound like a ball of laughs to be around, right? especially in a car.

episode 20: "today i am thankful for ... a husband who doesn't say 'i told you so.'"

on two separate occasions last weekend i was dead wrong about driving directions. my patient(and generally not too great with directions) husband was totally right. TWICE. once i went as far as saying, "why do you argue with me about directions when you know i'm always right?" the other time i explained that the route was the route i took home from work "every day" so i "could not possibly be mistaken." and i said both things with a straight face and seriously believing them to be true. TWICE he was so right and i was so wrong. TWICE i had to admit how wrong i was and apologize for my trash talking. TWICE he was gracious, not at all smug and just let it go. he never even said, "i told you so." my husband is a (long-suffering) gentleman.

so today, i am thankful.

Just One Week...

With season finales on every channel and the weather warming up it's time to get excited about... Summer TV. You thought I was going to mention some outdoorsy summer activity didn’t you? Please. Have ya met me? In just one week, one of my very favorites will be back! So You Think You Can Dance starts its 5th American season next Thursday, may 21st at 8/7c. I am pumped.

In other TV news, The Real Housewives of New Jersey started this week and lived up to my expectations. The season promises to be a train wreck. I can't wait to rubberneck every Tuesday night (or whenever I get around to playing it back on the DVR). This group boasts a stage mom, a gold digger, an overprotective Italian matriarch and of course an outsider to drum up plenty of drama. The season premier promised plenty of trashy fun. I'm hoping it'll be like the sopranos lite.

And just because I don't get enough trashy reality television (Geez, The Hills is on hiatus over the summer… I gotta supplement somewhere, right?) I'm super excited about a new soap net series called Southern Belles: Louisville. I guess I’m drawn to this in the hopes of a better understanding of some of the women that surround me. I am in no way a southern belle. I in no way desire to be a southern belle. Generally speaking, southern belles confuse me. However, some of my closest friends are southern belles - and there's nothing wrong with that. (Wink, wink.) Maybe this show will make the stereotype a little more endearing to me. Or perhaps it will give me fodder to feed my already apparent prejudice. Either way, count me in.

So while the rest of you are lying by the pool or hiking or biking or whatever you think is fun to do when it's 110 degrees outside... I'll be enjoying the air conditioning in my living room while I devour the summer line up on the boob tube.


5 for Friday

5 of my favorite pieces of art:


Wassily Kandinsky Improvisation 31 (Sea Battle), 1913
National Gallery of Art, Allisa Mellon Bruce Fund


Frederik Leighton Flaming June, 1895


Henri Matisse La danza 1, 1909


Jackson Pollock Number 1 1950 (Lavender Mist), 1950


Vincent Van Gogh The Cafe Terrace on the Place du Forum, Arles, at Night, 1888


Thankful Thursday/ episode 19

with mother's day literally hours away, today's thankful thursday is a no brainer. i'm so thankful for my mom!this pic (though it's now nearly 3 years old!) is one of my favorites of the two of us. probably because we had both had our hair and make up done and were definitely looking as cute as we could be. seriously, is she beautiful, or what?

i've come to a realization in the past couple months. i figured out part of the reason that i have this yearning to be back at "home" and nearer to family. all those years (my teens & 20's - arghhhh) when i was geographically closer to my mom i was still in the stage of life where i didn't really appreciate (some days even like) her. but now things have changed dramatically. i genuinely enjoy spending time with her! i'm finally at a stage in my life where i actually LIKE her. that's a big step. i can't pinpoint a moment where the change happened, it's been gradual over the past years.

episode 19: "today i am thankful for... an improved relationship with my mother."

i've heard it said that it isn't until you are a parent that you actually appreciate your own parents. we all know it wasn't dirty diapers and midnight feedings that opened my eyes, thank the Lord. instead what happened was that i moved away and grew up a bit. a combination of time, maturity and distance provided some clarity. and that clarity lead to a really different perspective. i no longer take her or our relationship for granted. and now, i genuinely enjoy the time we spend together. it's a whole different deal. i respect her. i'm proud of her. i think she's funny and talented. and i no longer have these outrageous expectations. i love her for the women she is instead of expecting her to be someone she isn't. i appreciate her and feel blessed to be her daughter.

so today, i am thankful.


lunch with the girls!! such fun to visit with family.


5 for Friday

5 (of the 500) jobs i've had:

1. buffet worker 2. dance teacher
3. video store clerk

4. flight attendant

5. nanny

look! all the ugly grey paint is gone. our house is super cute on the
outside now too.