
Just One Week...

With season finales on every channel and the weather warming up it's time to get excited about... Summer TV. You thought I was going to mention some outdoorsy summer activity didn’t you? Please. Have ya met me? In just one week, one of my very favorites will be back! So You Think You Can Dance starts its 5th American season next Thursday, may 21st at 8/7c. I am pumped.

In other TV news, The Real Housewives of New Jersey started this week and lived up to my expectations. The season promises to be a train wreck. I can't wait to rubberneck every Tuesday night (or whenever I get around to playing it back on the DVR). This group boasts a stage mom, a gold digger, an overprotective Italian matriarch and of course an outsider to drum up plenty of drama. The season premier promised plenty of trashy fun. I'm hoping it'll be like the sopranos lite.

And just because I don't get enough trashy reality television (Geez, The Hills is on hiatus over the summer… I gotta supplement somewhere, right?) I'm super excited about a new soap net series called Southern Belles: Louisville. I guess I’m drawn to this in the hopes of a better understanding of some of the women that surround me. I am in no way a southern belle. I in no way desire to be a southern belle. Generally speaking, southern belles confuse me. However, some of my closest friends are southern belles - and there's nothing wrong with that. (Wink, wink.) Maybe this show will make the stereotype a little more endearing to me. Or perhaps it will give me fodder to feed my already apparent prejudice. Either way, count me in.

So while the rest of you are lying by the pool or hiking or biking or whatever you think is fun to do when it's 110 degrees outside... I'll be enjoying the air conditioning in my living room while I devour the summer line up on the boob tube.

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