Obviously I followed the victory up by taking a day off. The day turned into a couple of days, which turned into a couple of weeks. Before I knew it it was the middle of February and I hadn't run at all. My poor shoes stayed in the tub for days.
(For the record - we have a separate shower.)
I knew I wanted to get back out there. I sleep better, feel better, look better when I'm active. Now that Spring is here, running is back on my radar. So I registered for the Soldier Field 10 mile race on May 25th. Not only does the distance intimidate and excite me, I get to finish on the 50 yard line of Soldier Field! Plus, setting a "reach" goal like this will, hopefully, motivate me.
Then, because I'm seriously considering a half marathon at some point this year I figured I should add the Esprit de She 10K on July 18th. If I'm still running and smiling by this point then a half in the Fall just might be added to the list. There I said it. I'm putting it out there.
But it's going to take some WORK! I'm so bummed that after such a short break, my training seems to be back at square one. I'm kicking myself for taking those weeks off. But I know I trained and accomplished it last year and I can do it again!
What about you, are you a runner?
What races are on your calendar this Spring?