
Bloggy Book Club

Some combinations just work.  You know like chocolate and peanut butter, bread and butter or Oreos and milk.  Welp, I think I've discovered the latest delicious pair.

Charlotte over at The Daily Snapshot has announced an online book club!

I mean, come on, how perfect is that?
I love blog roundups/excuses to be a joiner.
I love to read.

Put those activities together and I'm pretty much in HEAVEN.

Here's the scoop.  We'll read one book a month and then link up at The Daily Snapshot to "talk" about it.  You can read all of the details HERE.  And don't stress if you don't have a blog.  YOU CAN STILL PARTICIPATE!!!  That Charlotte is a smart one, she's got it all figured out.

I was pretty pumped to see that the first book we'll be reading together is The Giver by Lois Lowry.  I've never read it!  But I will admit that Lowry's Anastasia books were some of my favorites when I was a wee one.  That being said, I have heard (and read) rave reviews of The Giver and am eager to dive into it.

What do you think? Are you game?
If you're interested in joining in on the fun head over to The Daily Snapshot and let Charlotte know that you're on board. 

Yay for perfect combinations!