1. It's early and this whole "up before the rooster crows" thing is finally starting to work. I'm tired.
2. I'm hormonal.
3. I forgot to loudly grind coffee beans before we went to bed last night, so I have been awake for one hour and 42 minutes and have not yet had a cup of coffee. Tell me that isn't love.
4. I'm wrestling with some "stuff" which will probably end up being what I'm thankful for...
5. blah
So, enjoy a few more pics from our recent trip to the STL, and I promise to be thankful later.
The last three shots were taken at Citygarden. It was our first visit and it is totally beautiful. If you are in St. Louis and you haven't been, make it a priority before the temps drop... wait, have they already?
Maybe you can do a "Thankful Saturday". Sorry you are having a frustrating morning.
no, no... not frustrated. just blah
thankful sunday probably
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