
Thankful Things

“Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously.
And because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude.”
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Lichtenstein Exhibit Free for Chicago Residents Magical Lighting - Magical View

A little Running Bribe Waffles - Abondigas At Waffles

a. Did you know that on the first and second Wednesday of every month, Illinois residents get free admission to the Chicago Art Institute? Well did you know that that includes the special exhibits too? Thankful.

b. Seriously, look at that light! Thankful.

c. I started running again this week. I've resorted to out and out bribery. Every few days I'm indulging myself in a little bit of new gear to keep it exciting and fresh. Whatever it takes, right? Thankful.

d. We went back to Waffles for brunch last weekend. Third time was a charm! It was just as delicious as we remembered it being on our first visit. Great service and yummy food means we'll be back again soon. Thankful.

I'm finding thankful things around every corner this week.

What's filling your heart with gratitude today?