
A Freebie + A Challenge

Are you brand new twitter?
Have you been using twitter for awhile and now you're ready to learn a little bit more?
Or are you one of those people who just doesn't "get it"?

Well, I've got a killer Freebie for you today.

For the entire month of August, Weaving Influence is offering Becky Robinson's brand new eBook 31 Days of Twitter Tips at absolutely no charge.

Plus, for you competitive types, there's a challenge that accompanies the book.

The challenge is simple. Implement these 31 tips one day at a time throughout the month of August and report back what you think. I believe, after you've done so, you'll be hooked.

People, believe me when I tell you, twitter is fun. Twitter is useful. Twitter is a little bit like crack - it's healthy, social, won't cause physical and psychological side effects crack. And let's face it, all of the cool kids are doing it.

So what do you think? Want to give it a try? Download the eBook HERE and read more about the challenge HERE.

Then join in the conversation on Twitter using hashtag #12MinuteTip (if that doesn't make sense - it will once you've begun reading the book).

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