For the past year or two I've been learning a few happiness lessons.
Over and over again, I seem to be stumbling over the fact that joy in my life does not - should not - be solely dependent upon my circumstances. It's been a goal to experience contentment in my current situation, no matter what my current situation might be.
Well, the funniest thing happened.
When I stopped obsessing on my circumstances and looked elsewhere (I'm talking about you, God) for contentment, things began to change.
All of sudden, when I look around, my circumstances have improved!
My natural tendency would be to over-analyze and think the whole situation to death. Typically, I'd try to figure out why or when or how this all shifted. But instead, I'm choosing to just say, "Thank you." Thank you to my Creator and Provider, thank you to my amazing husband, thank you to my supportive friends and loving family, and thank you to me for getting out of my way to allow this wacky change.
While I don't want to cling too tightly to the "happy" circumstances that I currently enjoy, I do want to appreciate them while they are around. I recognize that there are seasons of joy and seasons of pain in life. To everything turn, turn, turn... and all that. I accept that the circumstances currently making me happy aren't going to last forever. They are temporary. So while they are here, I'm going to laugh and love and dance and smile and drink in every moment of joy that I'm receiving. Yahooooooooooooooooooooooooo.
Any circumstances making you smile right now?