As I watched the photo montage that played at the funeral home I was struck. In spite of years battling an evil disease, she lived life to its fullest. She laughed and danced and traveled and surrounded herself with people she loved. She thought of others when it could have been so easy to get bogged down in self-pity and despair. Don't get me wrong, she was no saint. She wasn't perfect. But her death, just like her life, inspired me.
I spend a lot of time each day getting frustrated with silly, little, eternally unimportant things. I waste energy. I waste time.
I'm not naive enough to think that will never ever happen again. But I am hopeful that, maybe just this week, I'll realign, refocus and readjust my attitude. I don't want to give that unimportant stuff any more time or energy than it really deserves. I hope that I'll remember that life is short and it's pretty dang good. And when I'm faced with that annoying bs that so often sucks my joy, maybe instead of getting frustrated and angry I'll do a little "booty" dance. Because I know Debbie would have approved of that.
Happy Monday!
Here's hoping you take some time to shake your booty this week.