Nobody was screaming, panting or yelling at their husband, "You did this to me!" Nobody on the hospital's staff was running around panicked or flirting/fighting with their co-worker/lover. And, though Anna came quickly, it certainly wasn't a 2 big pushes and "ta da," the baby is here.
After witnessing the birth of Miss Anna Christine, I can truthfully say it was undoubtedly the most miraculous, jaw dropping, emotionally surprising, awe inspiring event I have ever experienced.

Her Mom and Dad checked into the hospital around seven o'clock in the morning and by five o'clock in the afternoon, she was here.
No muss, no fuss. (Although Momma Jill, might have a different story to tell you from her perspective.)
I was incredibly surprised by how much the experience affected me emotionally. I didn't expect to feel so protective of Momma and baby through the labor process. I didn't expect to feel so helpless when Jill was in pain. I didn't expect to get nervous and anxious as I watched the nurse prepare for Anna's entrance into the world. I didn't expect my heart to swell with admiration and awe after each round of pushing. I didn't expect to shed tears of joy when Anna finally arrived.

So, although I was reeling from being so horribly mislead by television and film for all of these years, I wouldn't change a moment of Monday. It was all so, so different than I expected it to be. It was all so, so much more magical than I anticipated. I have so much respect for my strong, capable friend. She was composed, funny, and brave through all of the pain. I was tickled to watch how enamored the proud Pappa was from the moment Anna appeared on the scene.

I'm not sure what I expected when I added "Witness a Birth" to my Ultimate To DO list. Knowing we have no intentions of having our own children, it seemed like something cool to add to the list. I guess I figured it was something you don't see every day. I guess I figured it was something entertaining to write about. But, two days later I still find myself emotionally affected by what I witnessed.
As is so often in my life, I got much more than I bargained for. My heart is brimming with gratitude. I feel honored to have been welcomed in to share such an enormous event. I feel inexplicably tied to sweet, little Anna. I feel a whole lot of other stuff that I'm not going to share here - and no it isn't baby fever.
I will tell you though, I have been incredibly emotional since Monday. For years I've laughed at my Momma friends who cry at things like Hallmark commercials. But suddenly, that's me. Do you think pregnancy hormones are contagious?
If one person asks me when I'm having my own baby, I promise I will cut you.

Jill, see how much I love you?
Not one picture of you appeared in this post. And I have them. Boy do I have them.
Consider that my little way of saying, "Thank you and I love you."