Earlier this month,
an architectural team was chosen for the upcoming redesign of Chicago's Navy Pier. With its centennial celebration just around the corner, Navy Pier is about to get a multi-million dollar a face lift. Though plans aren't finalized, undoubtedly James Corner (also responsible for the
High Line in NYC and Philadelphia's Race Street Pier) and his team have several innovative improvements up their collective sleeve. When we heard the news, we took advantage of the beautiful weather to pay a visit to the pier and see for ourselves what she looks like "before" she gets all of her work done.
We were excited to take advantage of
another free Chicago activity. Spending a day outside exploring the pier seemed like a great way to capture a different view of the city. We were right and wrong. The weather was great. The company was fantastic. The views were spectacular. But the pier itself? The pier was meh. There was one (or five) too many churro stands for my taste. Though I was surrounded by the beauty of Lake Michigan and the city skyline I was completely underwhelmed by the cheesy "tourist trap" vibe that permeated the pier.

So while I can't give the current Navy Pier a rip roaring recommendation, I can say that I'm excited for what is to come. The potential is most definitely there. I look forward to seeing what the pier's governing board and newly selected design team create. And I can't wait to say, "I remember it when."