On Friday night a handful of ladies donned their pajamas and gathered for the first slumber party I've had in

We laughed and talked and ate lots of yummy goodness. My generous general manager even donated Sticky Mosaic crowns for us to decorate! They were a runaway hit and we wore them all night long.

There's something to be said about purely girl time, don't you think? It can be so therapeutic and restful. Plus, having the whole night together allowed us to have conversations that went so much deeper than the usual "check in" types of interactions. There were even a few tears shed. Only this time, unlike my last slumber party, it wasn't because someone stole someone else's boyfriend. This time it was because hearts were shared in the safety of a circle of friends.
And even more importantly, there were fireplace s'mores.

Now we just count the days until we get to meet Ella Kate!!!